Is drinking RO water good for health?

best water purifier for home.

Many say that the water treated with reverse osmosis is very beneficial for health, many others say that it even hurts the body as it is low in mineral salts. In the midst of all this confusion we cannot understand who is right. Let’s try to analyze the question rationally.

Reverse osmosis is a filtration method that consists of pushing water through a membrane with pores of size 0.001 microns which retains heavy metals, pesticides, bacteria, chlorine while allowing only water molecules and some mineral salts to pass through. The water that comes out of a reverse osmosis purifier is NOT chemically treated, in fact this filtration process is mechanical and totally natural. The resulting water is therefore safe from the bacteria, with a low mineral salt content and a low fixed residue. It is the same water that they advertise on TV, low in sodium which helps you to purify the body and make you pee.

What does it say who demonizes it?

Those who demonize and speak ill of it basically say that it is very poor in mineral salts necessary for the proper functioning of our body. For example calcium for bones, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron albeit in very small quantities. The opinion of these people is that the reverse osmosis water is like that of the ion batteries, demineralized and poor in life. In reality it is not so, these people just want to “throw mud” on the reverse osmosis purifiers which are considered to be the best water purifier for home. They want to sell you bottled water, ionized water or some other filtration method like carafes.

What is the truth?

It must be said that the contribution of water to covering the daily needs of individual minerals is particularly modest. If the minerals present in the water are so important to the body then according to this, we should drink about 600 glasses of water per day (120 liters) to bring the necessary amount of calcium to the body, 1800 glasses of water (360 liters) to enter the sufficient amount of iron and 170000 glasses (34000 liters) for phosphorus, which is not possible to handle such a great amount of water for the human body.

Water alone cannot cover the body’s need for mineral salts. In a bite of pasta, bread, cheese or any other food there are many more mineral salts than in 100 liters of water. Water therefore has a purifying rather than nourishing function. Its molecules (H2O) bind to toxins in the body and expel them mainly through sweat and urine. It is important that the molecules are light so that they can easily bind to toxins.

Important Note: Low mineral water, low in mineral salts, has precisely this characteristic of lightness. For this reason, many doctors recommend it, the water produced by reverse osmosis purifiers is certified by the Ministry of Health in many countries. Reverse osmosis is used in hospitals to produce safe water.

The only case in which you should avoid filtered water with reverse osmosis is if you have bone problems, arthritis, and osteoporosis. In this case you should first get a doctor’s opinion.