What You Need To Know About Spray Foam Insulation?

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam, also known as polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam, is a type of air barrier and air sealer that can be applied to walls, ceilings, floors, and many other surfaces to protect them from air movement. Spray foam initially adsorbs as a liquid. Once dry, the foam expands to a maximum of 120 times the size of the original foam. Spray foam fills all areas, including even the smallest cracks and crevices. Most spray foam is made from petroleum, although some are made from soy or other agricultural materials.

Why it is superior to fiberglass insulation?

Fiberglass insulation is still the most popular type of insulation, but it’s definitely not the most efficient. The most popular insulation is fiberglass, but it won’t stop air leakage. Dirt on the fiberglass can be a sign of air movement in older homes. If the insulation in your home can’t provide an air seal, then you won’t be able to achieve true insulation. Wet fiberglass is a real problem. It reduces the effectiveness of your insulation by more than 50%. Spray foam creates a real air seal, so you’ll get a much better level of insulation. Spray foam won’t break down over time, but it can start to break down after long periods of UV exposure.

Difference between open-cell spray foam and closed-cell spray foam

Open-cell Spray Foam: This is the most widely used spray foam insulation. It is best known for its ability to absorb sound. It is porous, which means it does not resist moisture or water. It is often used in applications where sound attenuation is required, such as interior walls. However, it is also suitable for attic ceilings as it has pores which allow roof leaks to be seen inside homes.

Closed-Cell Spray Foam: Just like it sounds, closed cell spray foam is much denser than open cell spray foam. It is also water resistant. Closed cell spray foam is best suited for applications where moisture or vapor is a problem, such as basements, swimming pool, freezer, wine cellars, etc.

Spray foam with thermal barrier

Spray foam won’t stand up to fire on its own, it’ll burn out on its own, but it’ll burn when there’s a flame around it. Basically, if you took a torch and stuck it on a piece of foam, it’d burn, but once you took the torch away, it wouldn’t burn anymore. The problem with plastic products is that when they burn, they make smoke that’s dangerous. The thermal barrier is there to protect you for 15 minutes. Another thing to keep in mind is that Ontario Building code only covers the structure itself. If there’s a house fire, your home is full of furniture and other stuff that’ll create smoke quickly, so it’s important to have smoke alarms up and running.

Since spray foam is suitable for so many applications and applications, there’s a good chance it’s the right insulation for your home. However, at One Insulation we offer free estimates and can help you decide whether spray foam insulation is right for you.