7 Important Things to do When Moving to a New Home


The task of moving to a new home can be stressful and daunting. However, it can be made slightly more manageable if you have made some plans for the move and the initial settling in period.

It might not all go to plan but here are some suggestions for how to make your move as smooth as possible:

Find New Healthcare Providers

If you are moving quite a distance away, you will be leaving your current family doctors and dentists. You’ll have to look for new healthcare providers.

The easiest way to do this is by a quick online search. If moving to Canley Heights, research family dentists in Canley Heights, for example. Save these new contacts in your phone for ease of communication when you need a dentist or a doctor.

You will want to have this information early in case of any healthcare emergencies shortly after you have moved into your new house.

Change the House Locks

If you are purchasing a pre-owned house, consider changing the locks and keys around your newly-purchased home.

You will also want to get a few extra copies of the keys so that all your family members have access to the house when they need it.

You can also install additional bolts, window grills and any other home security measures that you might find handy. This will help you to feel more secure while you are settling into your new neighbourhood.

Check Utilities Set Up

Ensure that you have electricity and water running in your new home before you move in. You can also call the local waste management facility to check for garbage pick-up schedules.

Last but not least, set up your home internet with your existing service provider for the company to arrange a date for which they can visit you and set up the new internet facility.

When the basic ones are set up, you can then move on to the heating and cooling system, ventilation and more.

Change Mailing Address

Update your mailing address with banks, service providers and any other service subscriptions that you might have. Start with the essential services so that you will not be missing critical bills and packages.

Use this opportunity to unsubscribe to promotional mail that you are no longer interested in.

You can also visit your Post Office to fill out a form for forwarding your letters to the new address.

Clean & Renovate

Some home-cleaning tasks are much more comfortable when there is not any furniture in the house. If you want to put on a fresh coat of paint, spray for pests or plugin additional power strips, then do it before you start moving all your furniture in.

This is also the stage where you can consider replacing the floorboards, installing ceiling fans and the like. You can rearrange the furniture and reinstall wallpapers after these basic refurbishing tasks are done, so focus on these first before you do anything else.

Meet Your Neighbours

What better way to get to know your community and neighbourhood than by introducing yourself to the neighbours?

Greet them the day you move in, and feel free to ask for their recommendations for service providers like electrician services, plumbers and the most convenient grocery store nearby.

You may find yourself with a full contact list for service providers that you will need within the upcoming days.

Label Your Moving Boxes

Label each box with the rooms that they should go to, as well as the items that they contain.

If any boxes are containing fragile items such as glasses and mirrors, label them as such to avoid potential damage while the boxes are en route to their new home.

You can also have a first-day box packed with just the bare necessities that you will need on your first couple of days to make the initial stay more comfortable.

This box can contain items such as spare clothes, an extension cord, some trash bags and paper plates to name a few.

Moving home is stressful, but putting these steps in place can help to make the process easier.

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